Step 1. Instant Quote & Order

$ 30.00
-$ 40.00
-$ 40.00
-$ 45.00

*Black Core - Features a black layer between the white layers to prevent seeing through to the other side and stability while shuffling. Linen black core has a cross hatch linen texture.


Option 1: Foil Only - No print under foil, just the embelishment of your choosing.


Option 2: Foil & Print - Print & Foil do not  overlap. Foil layer & Print layer stay separated on the page.


Option 3: Print & Foil Overprint - Foil elements are done over a background printed colour. 



Option 1: Foil Only - No print under foil, just the embelishment of your choosing.


Option 2: Foil & Print - Print & Foil do not  overlap. Foil layer & Print layer stay separated on the page.


Option 3: Print & Foil Overprint - Foil elements are done over a background printed colour. 


We Print from Print & Play (P2P) supplied pdf's

Print To Play | Print 2 Play Trading Card Template Printing

Many online playing or game card providers offer a Print & Play pdf download deck. You can use our Game Card printing service to convert those home jobs into professional quality print decks. Artwork adjustments would have to be made to the original files to split them as individual pages, but we can help with this step. 




Check with our Artwork Guide to ensure your files are


If your files do not have bleed, request that option above.

Round Corner
Straight Cut
Round Corner
BoostersSleeve Box
No Boxes
Sleeve Box

  • All In One: just one long run required, no splitting
  • Split Decking: splitting a deck into sub decks
  • Stacks: cards come collated as decks, but stacked with our red / white separator card between each deck
  • Groups: cards won't be split into decks or stacks
  • Into decks: each deck is supplied individually (shrink-wrap or belly-band)

$ 0.50
$ 0.50

if you select (not urgent), order will be ESTIMATED PRODUCTION TIME only, not DEADLINE
(excluding shipping)

NOTE: if only the "no rush" is visible, it means your order quantity is too large for a firm deadline.

We do offer part order delivery on larger runs. Our shipping is weight based, so we can send out a wave of product to fill delivery weight quota and send the balance later.

If you're open to a part order wave delivery, please request it in the comments below.


Total :$ 67.63

Please enter Postcode
Suburb is required.
Total :$ 67.33
Trading Cards

Trading Card Printing from

Variable & Custom Designs

Trading Cards (TCG) & Collector Cards (CCG) | Strategy Games Custom Deck Building Games NFT Cards Artificer Cards

(Perfect for trading card or collector card printing)

Trading Card Print Design Aspects

  • Standard Trading Cards printed on:
    "300gsm Artboard" or Black Core
    (Pokemon Cards & other Trading Card Games will match)

  • Rounded Corner cutting is the best option for custom card games - 4 corner cut to 4mm guage 
  • Select from our Standard Trading Card Size Options
  • Please declare if your designs have BORDERS or not. We print digitally and cut through card cutters which can never cut 100% so certain extra measure need to be taken to produce consistent borders whether that's ONE SIDE or BOTH SIDES. (see below)
  • Custom Cards should have colour to the edge which is only possible with 3mm bleed (see below)

How do I produce my own CCG / Trading Cards? 


Foremost, you've found our page so you're already dealing with experts on custom printing and with a skilled team who know the trading card world.

Second, you will need to submit your files to us for print. To do this, ensure each unique design is submitted to us in a pdf format for printing. Each card will have a front and back side, ensure each side of all designs include bleed to allow for edge to edge printing.

Once you have all your designs setup as individual files you can go ahead and either combine them into a full "set or deck" pdf file which will have each card as the pages 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 etc, or into a zip file.

If your designs all have the same back face on the card, no worries - if needed, we will collate the back into a full file for you. So you only need to supply the back file to us once for ease of submission. Just ensure it is clearly defined as the back card.

Printing Multiple copies of each card respectively, i.e. different quantities for each:

We also offer variable quantities of each card (without you needing to duplicate, copy and paste etc). The best way to do this, is to separate your print files into sub-folders titled "x copies". For example, if you have a bunch of designs that require 5 x copies of each to be included, move them into a folder called "5" or "5 copies".

Once this is repeated for all designs, right click the master folder (where all these subfolders reside), and add them to an archive (ZIP or RAR). You can then upload the archive file (zip or rar) into our upload centre.

When ordering, set the "copies" on our page to 1, but change the "how many cards per set" to the full print quantity after all the files will be multiplied. eg - 5 x 10 + 10 x 2 + 1 x 500 = 50 + 20 + 500 = 570 

Packaging & Game Card Boxes To Fit:

We offer boxes which are custom-made to fit your card deck. Because of this, we actually ask that you place the order first. That way, we can be 100% certain as to how much room we need in the box, and we haven't sent you the wrong template ahead of time (causing issues).

We will send you a custom-fit template after your order is placed (within 48hrs).

Rare & Metallic or Holographic Trading Cards

As an alternative to holographic trading cards, we offer a special kind of Metallic finish trading card printing. Instead of stocking various holographic patterns that overlay onto the print sheets (these are expensive per roll and far too many different types to choose from), we instead direct customers to try our Matallic Finish.


(Limited to 18 cards = 1 sheet)



Product Review

23 Mar, 2023 12:11
Custom Pokemon Cards

My partner and I ordered printing for custom-designed Pokemon cards for our wedding and everything about our experience with ePrint was amazing! The printing itself on the cards is fantastic, the shipping was right on time and the customer service was incredible! Thank you ePrint :)

23 Mar, 2023 11:51
Enchiridion Trading Cards

Got some custom trading card decks made. Great quality and finish, and shipping was fast. Customer service was great, helped me throughout the process, sent me update pictures and made sure I was happy with how the cards would look. Shoutout to Sam, lovely guy!

21 Dec, 2022 21:25
Awesome quality and fairly quick turnaround

First time doing any sort of big print job before and I'm thankful it was with ePrint. Great quality cards and print quality. The batch I got is actually selling out fast, but the prompt production and shipping time means I won't hesitate to reorder from these guys again.

08 Jun, 2022 13:21
3rd order

This is our third order. Cards arrived perfect, just as the last two orders did. Thank you kindly!

25 May, 2022 10:05
Trading Cards Nils Urban

Great Service ! I very much recommend ePrint Online. I had a small set of trading cards made with them and they look great.