Step 1. Instant Quote & Order

-$ 50.00

*Black Core - Features a black layer between the white layers to prevent seeing through to the other side and stability while shuffling.

We Print from Print & Play (P2P) supplied pdf's

Print To Play | Print 2 Play Trading Card Template Printing

Many online playing or game card providers offer a Print & Play pdf download deck. You can use our Game Card printing service to convert those home jobs into professional quality print decks. Artwork adjustments would have to be made to the original files to split them as individual pages, but we can help with this step. 




Check with our Artwork Guide to ensure your files are


If your files do not have bleed, request that option above.

(setup fee)

Round Corner
Straight Cut
Round Corner

  • All In One: just one long run required, no splitting
  • Split Decking: splitting a deck into sub decks
  • Stacks: cards come collated as decks, but stacked with our red / white separator card between each deck
  • Into decks: each deck is supplied individually (shrink-wrap or belly-band)

$ 0.50
$ 0.50

Shrink-Wrap Cards
Belly-Band Cards
Shrink-Wrap Cards

if you select (not urgent), order will be ESTIMATED PRODUCTION TIME only, not DEADLINE
(excluding shipping)

NOTE: if only the "no rush" is visible, it means your order quantity is too large for a firm deadline.

We do offer part order delivery on larger runs. Our shipping is weight based, so we can send out a wave of product to fill delivery weight quota and send the balance later.

If you're open to a part order wave delivery, please request it in the comments below.


Total :$ 23.34

Please enter Postcode
Suburb is required.
Total :$ 23.05

MTG Proxy Printing

MTG Proxy Printing

Print your MTG Proxy Cards with ePrint. We have the perfect customisation options for printing custom magic the gathering cards online. Simply enter your total quantity and let us take care of all of the finer details. 

Recommended on 300gsm Matt with 3/4 mm round corners to match MTG official decks.

  • Standard MtG Trading Card Size is 88.9 x 63.5 but we can print any size, simply select custom size and enter your size in mm.
  • Please allow your margin amount (or border) to be 3mm from the cut line for the best results for border printing.

Our MTG Cards are perfect for at home play amongst friends and family.

Proxies cannot be used in official tournaments. 

Custom Magic the Gathering Cards

(Perfect for trading card or collector card printing)

Print Custom Cards from Steam Card Creator


Foremost, you've found our page so you're already dealing with experts on custom printing and with a skilled team who know the trading card world.

Second, you will need to submit your files to us for print. To do this, ensure each unique design is submitted to us in a pdf format for printing (WITH BLEED). Each card will have a front and back side, ensure each side of all designs include bleed to allow for edge to edge printing.


Exporting Print Designs - Print to Play or Individual?

We can print from the "Print & Play" option, but this requires extra work on our end to split the files back to individual cards (which costs extra) - BUT we do offer it as an option to you. We would however prefer you export your files individually.




Once you have all your files exported (preferably as individual designs).. you can go ahead and either combine them into a full "set or deck" pdf file which will have each card as the pages 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 etc, or into a zip file.

If your designs all have the same back face on the card, no worries - if needed, we will collate the back into a full file for you. So you only need to supply the back file to us once for ease of submission. Just ensure it is clearly defined as the back card.


Print Moxfield MTG Cards


We print from variety of MTG source files including Moxfield. See above file instructions for Steam cards, we print files in PNG, JPG, JPEG and PDF so please supply them in their native file type. 


Pay attention to BLEED and BORDERS. If your cards require bleed added but the cost is too high, select "add borders" to cards and we will setup your proxy cards with a 3mm border instead of fixing the bleed on each card individually.

Print from Card Trader P2P (Print to Play) Templates



Print To Play | Print 2 Play Trading Card Template Printing

We also print from Card Trader files - please just ensure you select the PRINT 2 PLAY template if that's how your files are supplied from the vendor.

Print 2 Play templates are usually supplied as an A4 page either in a grid 3x3 or 2x4 like below.

While we accept P2P files, we do need to split to individual cards first before printing them to our own imposition sheets.

Printing Multiple copies of each card respectively
i.e. different quantities for each:


We also offer variable quantities of each card (without you needing to duplicate, copy and paste etc). The best way to do this, is to separate your print files into sub-folders titled "x copies". For example, if you have a bunch of designs that require 5 x copies of each to be included, move them into a folder called "5" or "5 copies".

Once this is repeated for all designs, right click the master folder (where all these subfolders reside), and add them to an archive (ZIP or RAR). You can then upload the archive file (zip or rar) into our upload centre.

When ordering, set the "copies" on our page to 1, but change the "how many cards per set" to the full print quantity after all the files will be multiplied. eg - 5 x 10 + 10 x 2 + 1 x 500 = 50 + 20 + 500 = 570 

Rare & Metallic or Holographic Trading Cards

As an alternative to holographic trading cards, we offer a special kind of Metallic finish trading card printing. Instead of stocking various holographic patterns that overlay onto the print sheets (these are expensive per roll and far too many different types to choose from), we instead direct customers to try our Metallic Finish.


(Limited to 18 cards = 1 sheet)


All Options

Artwork Design: Select From Below