Metallic & Holographic Trading Cards (Trading Cards | Collector Cards)
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Metallic (Holographic) Trading Cards
Trading Cards & Strategy Games | Magic & Pokemon Cards | Custom Deck Building Games
(Perfect for trading card or collector card printing)
Metallic Trading Card Printing
& Holographic Alternatives
Rare & special custom Trading Cards:
We offer holographic trading cards as well as a special kind of Metallic finish trading card printing.
The holographic pattern overlays onto the print sheets while the Metallic finish prints directly to a silverboard, bringing out highly reflective metallic colours.
Our speicialty Metallic / Holographic are printed on a solid silver foil background which converts all the colour printed down onto the cards as metallic versions of that colour.
Yellow -> Gold, Orange/Brown -> Bronze Blank -> silver etc
Metallic does not have the ability to print white, as the white space in the print layer is filled with reflective silver.
- Rounded Corner cutting is the best option for custom card games - 4 corner cut to 4mm gauge
- Standard Trading Card Size is 89 x 64
- Custom Cards should have colour to the edge which is only possible with 3mm bleed:
How do I produce my own Trading Cards?
Foremost, you've found our page so you're already dealing with experts on custom printing and with a skilled team who know the trading card world.
Second, you will need to submit your files to us for print. To do this, ensure each unique design is submitted to us in a pdf format for printing. Each card will have a front and back side, ensure each side of all designs include bleed to allow for edge to edge printing.
Once you have all your designs setup as individual files you can go ahead and either combine them into a full "set or deck" pdf file which will have each card as the pages 1&2, 3&4, 5&6 etc, or into a zip file.
If your designs all have the same back face on the card, no worries - if needed, we will collate the back into a full file for you. So you only need to supply the back file to us once for ease of submission. Just ensure it is clearly defined as the back card.
You can email us at for more info or...
Packaging & Game Card Boxes To Fit:
We offer boxes which are custom-made to fit your card deck. The dimensions of the box is influenced by your card size (length & width) but also the stack height - which is subject to your choice of card stock (gsm thickness), and if you add celloglaze or not.
Because of this, we actually ask that you place the order first. That way, we can be 100% certain as to how much room we need in the box, and we haven't sent you the wrong template ahead of time (causing issues).
We will send you a custom-fit template after your order is placed (within 48hrs).
(Limited to 18 cards = 1 sheet)
How to Submit Designs?
Fronts: Upload the front card designs altogether as either a multi-page file or, we suggest adding them all to a zip folder.
Back/s: Upload the relevant back file/s as a separate file using the "Add More Fils" button in the upload centre.